We all have expectations and all too often they are not met. But the key is our expectations are not all the same. Some crave happy endings and will be disappointed obviously with a sad ending, or even one that is ambiguous. Some crave adrenaline pumping action and become bored without it. Other groups crave explicit sex or romance and will begrudge being teased. Of course there are increments for these issues and sometimes your comfort level might be stretched a bit.
Mood effects everyone. Maybe they had a bad day or maybe they were overly exuberant. Of course movies are supposed to take your mind off of reality and often it does work that way.
"An Inconvenient Sequel" has suffered from a politically tinged populace who want to minimize its message. Out of ten stars many IMDB voters chose one. Much of what was predicted in the first one has become more obvious.

"A Ghost Story" created a wide range of views. One viewer's boring is another's profoundness. Critics as aggregated at Rotten Tomatoes loved it, but much of the audience had less enthusiasm. Many complained it was slow moving or pretentious. IMDB voters were overwhelming negative. This may make many viewers side against the critics, but may have been tempered by their viewing more movies than the average person sees and reading more about them. Read what they have to say as it might hit a nerve or might reinforce your opinion of critics. This movie can mainly be enjoyed for its philosophy and psychology, but you do not have to accept the path the director has pushed; you can veer off in another direction. The phrase I would choose is thought provoking. If you are looking for action or a satisfying traditional romance this is not it.

Many people are sticklers for historical authenticity. This can be a tricky one as the true facts (and dialogue) are often not really known. On the other hand historical facts are often distorted for dramatic effect. Do you demand it, or looking for a feeling. Several years ago I heard a lot of positive hype for a movie about Rubin Carter who had overcome injustices to become a boxing champion. It interested me and friends were recommending it, however I heard a radio commentator saying there were a lot of inaccuracies in it and that he was not such an admirable character as portrayed by Denzel Washington. At the time I felt the historical inaccuracies were offensive and refused to see it. Now I feel I might have enjoyed it.

"Ki and Ka" also had discouraging low ratings. From Bollywood I have come to expect a traditional male dominant culture. This movie had a very strong (but humorous) feminist theme. Not an award winning movie, but worth watching and enjoyable if you don't have any hangups.

Many watch a favorite movie star and can be disappointed if their favorite has only a cameo or a role out of character. Producers can predict profits if a big draw actor makes an appearance. Actors are often looking to demonstrate versatility so they can obtain more roles.
Of course it is not only the opinions of the experts, but also of your friends. Over a period of time one gets a feeling for the attitude of a reviewer. With a personal acquaintance whether a close personal friend or someone at work or a neighbor you have a good idea of how they value things. Of course in all instances if you haven't seen the movie you can only guess how suitable the movie is for your disposition.
I am no different. Like all other movie viewers I bring my expectations and my understanding to each movie. Maybe I should add that like others my attention is not always constant. In other words I don't see things quite the same as you. Hopefully my insights and reactions will overlap a bit with you and you can judge whether or not you want to pursue any further using my words as a guide.
If you can steer these sorts of factors into your evaluation you might benefit from reading more reviews. What you are looking for and what you can appreciate are unique. You can usually find a review to rationalize what you want to do or not do.
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