Sunday, October 20, 2024

Indigenous perspective illustrated with :"We are Still here"

What does "indigenous" mean?  Aboriginal, Savages Bushmen.  My idea is that those who were there first were overtaken by incoming "civilized"  people.  Part of the conqueror's justification is that they are superior (usually with more modern technology and systems).  More critical is weaponry which at one time included horses.   Displaced.

 The title "We are Still Here" suggests some indigenous have survived despite all efforts to eliminate them.  It commemorates th 250th anniversary of James Cook's landing in Australia. The film focuses on the aboriginal tribes of Australia and Samoa and the Maori of New Zealand. Mostly there has been resistance and over the long haul there has been much integration (which also includes discrimination) and some stick on the land, retaining as much of their culture as they can.  One episode pictures a Maori fighting for the British confronting a Turk  when both realized they had nothing against the other.

 Here are only a few of the contributors

Tim Worrall was a wrtier and director for one segment.  He  has 10 credits for directing, 7 for writing and 1 for the Art Department.  One film was also a anthology, "Beyond the Veil" (2022) covering Maoris, Pasifika, Filipino and Chinese.  

Mitchell  Stanley was one of the producers.  He has 13 producing credits, 3 for  writing and 1 for directing.

Sean Mununggurr was an actor.  He has 5 acting credits including "High Ground" (2020).   Check

Robert Taylor was a actor with 79 acting credits including "The Newsreaders" (2021) and "Apples Never Fall" (2024)

Consistently what the indigenous have offered is a reverence for nature.  The more civilized had felt they had already conquered nature, but didn't realize in the long run nature wins.  Nature is fighting us back, but it turns out one of mankind's most effective advocates are the indigenous.

Integration requires  maybe two things.  The majority accepts the minority as equals and the minority makes an effort to fits in. The transition is often awkward, especially if the majority feels they are in charge. 

One way of viewing civilization is that they go up and down.  Individuals try to fit in while others exploit opportunities.  Education is a great leveler bearing mind intelligence is spread widely and genius is found in a wide variety of humans.

 At about the same time I read "Dark Emu" by Bruce Pascoe.  It told the story of colonizers who overlooked much of the Australian aboriginal culture.  They were seen as hunters and gatherers.  The settlers could not believe that the natives were worthy of their European status.  

The aboriginals had developed a productive agriculture growing tubers while the colonizers destroyed the soil with sheep.  Had developed an effective set of fish traps.  They had used grindstones 30,000 years ago and had developed a system for trading seeds.

Some quotes of Bruce Pascoe from "Dark Emu" "...all of us must be alert to that greatest of limitations to wisdom: the assumption."  And "having said we are sorry, we refuse to say thanks" Author feels the aboriginals should be thankful and apologetic.

Cultural exchanges have not always been one way, but even today most modern people are unaware of contributions from the indigenous.  The world will be better off when two way cultural exchanges increase.  Yes some things will be left aside such as cursive writing and rotary phones. 

My background is all European as far back as I can trace (back to 1500's) and some of them would have colonizers.  I have been protected and educated and given opportunities.   I hope I have availed myself of indigenous wisdom and art.  Moderns need to realize the indigenous are humans and can make our lives better.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Intervention Earth

 It is easy to find a book (or article) on climate change, but the vast majority of citizens pay little heed.  With all the turmoil in southeastern American states voters keep rewarding climate change deniers.  Florida is perhaps the most vulnerable part of America, but their popular Governor Ron DeSantis has gone to great lengths to remove  the concept of "climate change" from state legislation.  Floridians need to wake up.

Climate scientists not only examine the current situation, but also the distant past.  One fact is that there have been five mass extinctions with the most recently one being 66 millions years ago. We are now in an inter glacial period.

A big concern is when we might hit a tipping point.  Most of the predictions we learn about are based on a linear projection.  It is very possible that the rate may dramatically increase as much carbon dioxide is trapped in permafrost that is melting.

 Immigration from the Global South will increase not only directly for climate change, but indirectly for fallen states.  It will get so bad that nations of the Global North will actually seal their borders by shooting any who try to cross.  Borders are going to get tougher and the pressure will grow because climate change will hit the Global South more harshly sooner,  even though they did not cause the problem.

Scientists conclude that lowering emissions alone will not be enough.  The longer there is delay the more expensive and/or risky will be any solutions.  Gwynne after interviewing over a hundred climate scientists share that belief.  There are possible solutions.

Geo engineering is offering a variety of solutions.  It is hoped that emissions will be lowered enough (will take decades and maybe centuries) while geoengineering provides temporary and/or risky solutions.   There is some opposition to the idea of geoengineering, even amongst scientists.

 Some knowledge has been gained by massive volcanoes.  Strong enough to spew sulphur dioxide over vast areas scientists learned that sun rays were deflected enough to lower the  overall global temperature, without danger to nature, but only temporarily.  This has set up projects to launch sulphur dioxide or suitable alternatives to the atmosphere.  Not without great expense and likely encountering unexpected side effects.  There is the danger of widening ozone holes. 

There are many science projects, but we don't really know how they would work out.  Gwynne who has a military background examines many options.

No solution will be done quickly and we can expect to endure increased droughts, hurricanes and rising sea levels for several years with compounding effects. 

Mankind is supposed to understand co-operation, but the reality is that not only is there plenty of denial there is also plenty of disagreement over the best approach.  Global politics is in some ways a mess.  The author thinks it is likely that some states will fail because of food failures and others will lock themselves up.

Adapting will fail.  The voters on November 6th can demonstrate against climate denialists by how they vote.  It might be too much to expect denialists to lose in the hurricane ridings, but it would be positive if they gave a scare to politicians as that might create pressure to get the ball rolling in the right direction. 

Gwynne Dyer has has been a favored author.  Here are other blogs about him.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

An impact of electoral systems on Canada and America

One difference between American and Canadian elections is that Americans can vote directly for the President.  The catch is that often that vote is wasted.  Their electoral system uses an electoral college which means each state's vote is decided by plurality and all the electors are credited to the one party that won the state.  Al Gore and Hilary Clinton got more votes, but lost because their votes weren't in the right states.

 In all states, provinces and nationally with two exceptions,  (Maine and Vermont) elections are decided on a plurality basis meaning that a winning candidate is the one who receives more votes than anyone else.  Canada accepts more than two parties and although so does America, the difference is that Americans disdain third parties as infringing on the two main parties.  Many Canadians feel the same way, but enough detect policy issues and character traits best addressed by a third party.  

Political thinking has been there are two choices only--our party and those of the opposition.  Is that true?  At one point the conservative movement had split into two segments.  Both were conservative on the economy, but one faction was more socially concerned.  It did in fact split the vote, allowing liberal parties to gain strength.  The two factions amalgamated and improved their election standing.  That move was effective, but was it fair?

Both American and Canadian politicians use polls.  They can be useful and beneficial to find out what the voters want.  However they are also used to determine political party strength.  In effect, some ridings or districts are very likely going to elect one party.  Others are more open and need to be contested.  Politicians have limited time and money and so decide where best to apply their resources.

An example of putting too much attention on one area is provided by Kamala Harris who realizes in practical terms in order to be elected president she needs to win Pennsylvania with 19 electoral votes.  In her case she has been tagged with her vow to banish fracking, a touchy issue in that state.  I suspect also for practical reasons she disavowed that more than 4 years ago.  With this handicap and the polling outlook elsewhere she will be concentrating her efforts on Pennsylvania and a few other key states.  Donald Trump in the meantime is also concentrating his efforts on states that are competitive.  Between the two of them over half the American states will receive at best cursory attention because they presumably have established sufficient loyalty to one of the two parties.

Important choices such as the vice president decision are discussed with regard to electoral votes  in key American states.

Unfortunately Canadian politicians concentrate their limited resources on ridings that offer a fighting chance.  This could lead to a lot of hopping around for a party's Prime Minister candidates as any one of 265 ridings could offer a promise of success. 

For many people the voting decision is not for who they want to win but who they don't want to win.  To prevent an undesired party from getting elected they switch their vote to their second choice.  If their first choice could be joined with those in other ridings another viewpoint might be elected and better represent the will of the people.  This is known as strategic voting.  The will of the people is not fairly represented.

Under the First Past the Post the winners only require to get one extra vote, while all the other votes count for nothing.  Essentially both countries use that principle and in both cases it distorts what the voters really want.

Justin Trudeau has recently cast a few remarks against real proportional representation.  He recognizes his Liberal Party is the second choice for both Conservatives and the N.D.P. so he likes ranked ballots and is dead set against proportional representation.  Like many politicians he knows how he got to power and doesn't want to risk changing the electoral system.

Thursday, October 10, 2024



An underlying motivation for this book was the author's concern about the impact of AI, the danger and the opportunity.  Mankind has come a long way, but perhaps we are entering a critical change.  Up until recently all improvements in handling information have had a human with control, but now we are embarking on ceding much of the control to non humans.

This blog is too short to do full justice to "Nexus", but it is my hope that more people will be aware of the game changing effects of AI.  

Information is not just facts.  It includes errors, lies, fantasies and fiction.We may strive for truth, but information is just as likely to focus on order.

About 70,000 years ago humans took a big step when we learned to co-operate with one another.  A key tool was a story.  A story is a human attempt to make sense of reality.  A brand is a specific type of story that represents ( not necessarily truthfully) characteristics of a product or even a purpose.

An example of a brand offered is that of "Stalin".  A story is told about  Stalin's son, Vasily who used the family name to intimidate people and was berated by his father.   Stalin knew what really effected people was what had been written about him and not his actual self.

Paper, writing and printing allowed for communication beyond the present moment.  Bureaucracy formed as a way of storing documents such as ownership.

Nations, corporations, and religions all developed stories that claim they are infallible in some respects.  After time many of the infallible symbols are found to be fallible. 

One of the strengths of computers that deal with massive amounts of information is they can detect patterns that escape humans.  A1 is structured so they can make decisions based on what they discover.

An example of computers getting ahead of humans.  A Facebook algorithm was designed to increase posts that had the most engagement.  To some it was a surprise that the algorithm discovered that outrage generated the most activity.  One example was in Myanmar where anti-minority posts were effective at increasing violence.  

Surveillance and facial recognition is advanced enough in Iran that it is being used to enforce stricter hijab laws.  They can detect if women have discarded their hijab in a car and issue a warning for the first infraction, but subsequent offenses will be met with harsher punishment.   One fears what other evil activities can be utilized by AI.

Some are suggesting that AI qives bring us back he law of the jungle.  Yuval poins out that the jungle actually is very symbiotic with a diversity of life forms supporting one another. 

 A big concern is that AI could take over human management and subverting democracy.  The author concedes that humans could easily lose control.  On the other hand totalitarian governments are very  vulnerable  as too centralized.

The term "Nexus" is merely a connection or more than one connection ot a series of connections.  The pigeon on the cover is supposed to be about  particular carrier pigeon that delivered a message in wartime that saved lives.

 As a youngster I recall reading "I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov.  He seemed to anticipate that robots would become more critical for humans.  His three laws seemed well thought out, but I can imagine Yuval would point out difficulties.   Mankind is definitely entering a new world.

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First and Second Laws.

 There are lots more details in the book and I suggest you should get a copy and read it carefully.  A! could make slaves of us all or free us up for a more meaningful life.

Previous blogs about Yuval Noah Harari

Monday, October 7, 2024

Love Next Door

Koreans must love romance films and they do a good job on them. "Love Next Door" is typical, but not so typical.  The focus is really on two lovers who go through misunderstandings.  The parents are a very important part of the story and the side stories are engaging.

From an age of five the two characters lived next door to one another.  The girl was protective of the boy who was late learning Korean.  The two mothers were very close friends.  The parents thought of the youngsters as part of their family.  The two youngsters became very close friends and a theme was the fear of losing their best friend if they were to pursue a love interest.  Yet, the young woman left for America and got engaged to a very likable guy who many viewers would think more deserving.  The two main families have their own problems.  Another character was a friend to the two youngsters who had her own romance and whose mother was part of the same group as the two others.

 At the beginning Seok-Ryu shows up unannounced, having broken off her engagement.  Of course there is a big secret which is not revealed for awhile.

From there the viewer sees the fear of losing a best friend, mother rivalries, marital misunderstandings and a secondary romance with lots of surprises.  The humans display a wide range of emotions.

Kissing is a very big deal and when one finally happens the cinematography is spectacular. 

It takes a really good cast and crew.  Here are a few.

Je Won Yu was the director.  He has 9 directing credits plus 8 credits as assistant directing including "Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha" (2021).  See

Ha Eun Shin was the writer.  She had aspired to be a poet.  She has 5 writing credits, also including "Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha" (2021).

Lim Ha-young was responsible for the music.  Ha-young has music credits including "Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha" (2021) and "Twenty-five Twenty-one" (2022).

Jung Hae-in played Choi Seung-hyo, the leading male.  He has 25 acting credits including "Something in the Rain" (2018), "Tune in For Love" (2019) and "D.P." (2021).  See  

Jung So-min played Bae Seok-ryoo  the leading lady.  She has 25 acting credits including "Because This is My First Life" (2027)

Kim Ji-eun played Jung Mo-eum, a paramedic and a female secondary romantic interest.  She has 15 acting credits.

Yoon Ji-on plays Kang Dan-ho, a reporter and a male secondary romantic interest.  He has 15 acting credits including "You Are My Spring" (2021).

Han Joon-Woo played Song Hyeon-jun, the very likeable former fiance.  He has 9 acting credits including "Hyena" (2020) and "Agency" (2023).  See

Jun Suk-ho plays Yoon Myeong-won, Seung-hyo's boss .  He ehas 30 acting credits including ""Hyena" (2020).

Seo Ji Hye plays Jang Tae-hui, an earlier romantic inteerst for Seung-hyo.  She has 32 acting credits including "Crash Landing on You" (2019).  See

Lee Seung-joon played Choi Kyeong-jong father to Seung-hyo  He has 44 acting cresits including "Behind Your Touch" (2023), "Castaway Diva" (2023) and "Doctor Slump" (2024).   See

Park Ji-young, plays Na Mi-sook, She has 55 acting credits including "The Housemaid" (2010), "Little Women" (2022) and "The Roundup" (2022). See

Jo Han-chul played Bae Geun-sik, father to Seok Ryoo.  He has 66 acting credits including "Vincenzo" (2021) and "Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha" (2021)

Jang Young-nam played Seo Hye-sook, mother for Seok Ryoo.  She has extensive theatre experience.  She has 77 film acting credits including "A Werwolf Boy" (2012). 

"Love Next Door" follows in the tradition of Korean romance series, but will provide a few surprises and viewers will be drawn to some of the inter-twining side stories.  Available subtitled on Netflix.

As usual I have bolded the first mention of films I have seen.  They are not necessarily a recommendation, but generally I found them worthy of my time.  If you follow the links you should be able to determine if a particular film is worth following up.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Will & Harper: A celebrity introduces a transgender friend.

 Will Ferrell is not my favorite actor, but we never really know the person behind the screen role.  This role could not have been anticipated by him, but the necessary friendship had been established a few decades previously.  An early step in Will's career was with Saturday Night Live and Andrew Steele was the head comedy writer.  They became friends.

A few years later Andrew decided he had been hiding his true self long enough and in his sixties he took the step of transitioning to her, Harper, a trans woman.  If the thought of transgenders makes you queasy you really should see "Will & Harper" (2024).  There were of course physical adjustments, but also social adjustments.  We see her with unkempt hair, female dress and a natural male voice.  Harper meets another transgender who had tried to change her voice, but then decided she was ok with his natural voice.

During the film we meet his two children who are very young adults who more than accepted him.  Later on we meet his sister in Iowa who admitted she was surprised, but had quickly accepted and hosted the two on their trip.  They met a variety of people, most accepting of a transgender, some a little perhaps uncomfortable and they received very derogatory emails.  A big surprise was meeting the Governor of Indiana, Eric Holcomb who we learn had supported anti transgender laws.  However he was  anxious to have his photo taken with Will Ferrell and got what he wanted.

Will Ferrel was in some ways like the rest of us, curious and felt he could question diplomatically.  So the viewer might learn a few things.  One contact was with a retired therapist who recalled about 20 years previous she had a patient who was questioning his sexual identity. She admitted at that time she was close minded.

Will Ferrell admitted that he was actually a modest person, but when it comes to comedy "whatever it takes".  His celebrity is encountered everywhere and often he likes to disguise himself a bit to avoid detracting from Harper, but on some occasions his fame smoothed the situation. 

I have actually seen a few Will Ferrell films such as  "The Producers" (2005), "Stranger than Fiction" (2006), "Everything Must Go" (2011), "Spirited" (2022) and "Barbie" (2023).  I have also seen a few of the films he produced.  I will be a little more disposed to watch others when the opportunity presents itself.   

Tina Fey I do like and she appears in a few scenes.  Some of her films include "Date Night" (2010),  "This is Where i Leave you" (2013) and "Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot" (2016).  

Kristen Wiig is asked to come up with a theme song. Toward the end credits we see a performance of the song. 

All movies have some effect on me--some I wish they hadn't ended, others I am glad.  This was different.  My contact with transgenders is almost non existent except on television or films.  Transgenders have become a political issue, but I now feel they should be a social and medical issue.

Will and Harper had been anxious that "Will & Harper" be released before the American election.  Trump has mocked transgenders and tried to suggest he would try to make them disappear.  There has been an effort to deflect by objecting  only to childhood transitions, but his Evangelical  backers object to the whole notion.  Will Ferrell is dismissed by Trumpers  as a "Hollywood liberal".  The film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival and has been released on Netflix. 

We live in an ever changing world, that is hard to understand.  Greater understanding is what we need to survive.  This film takes a step to help understand transgenders.  For me I picked up more respect for Will Ferrell.  It may help you feel more comfortable.

An earlier acquaintance was with a fictional film that really dealt with the core of transgenders and is not only mind opening, but enjoyable.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

We need another Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk

The news has been depressing lately  and I can understand why young idealists are reluctant to bring new lives into the turmoil of today.  One man is ignoring advice to perhaps avoid going to prison.  Another man is stirring up hatred to perhaps also avoid going to prison.  Still another man bent on restoring an Empire is killing thousands of people.  These three men are well supported and perhaps that is where my anguish should be directed, but if it weren't for the bad side of human nature the three monsters could not do their evil deeds.

Mankind has faced such egotistical evil before and survived and perhaps we will get through this.  My fear is that the current situation is different.  Those in power seemed entrenched with modern technology and their most likely successors seem ready to carry on the destructive path.  It would just take one person to push a button to obliterate us all.  Compounding the danger is nature which is fighting back a century or more of abuse, even while too many fight the remedy.  

In these moments of darkness there has been some light.  It is easy to admire Nelson Mandela who when given real power chose not revenge, but reconciliation.  The man who paved the way was F.W. de Klerk who is not often mentioned with Nelson Mandela, but perhaps was more critical for shifting power for the benefit of us all.

Frederik Willem de Klerk was an Afrikaner who grew up thinking apartheid was normal and to get into power actively supported it.  When finally he became the President of South Africa he started to break down the acceptance of segregation.  He stopped punishing apartheid protesters, even allowing anti-apartheid marches.  He freed Nelson and negotiated with him to dismantle the apartheid structure.  He presided over a new election that made Nelson the President and left himself as Deputy President. 

Instead of seeking revenge against the oppressive whites, he sought ways to reconcile the races.  One method was to campaign for the 1995 Rugby World Cup.  Rugby was the favorite sport of whites (blacks were more interested in soccer).  The national team Springboks was a source of white national pride.  The Springboks adopted the slogan "One team one nation".

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was set up to allow grievances to be aired.  F.W. de Klerk was against this, thinking total amnesty would prevent inflaming violence.  The two men clashed over this and de Klerk eventually resigned.  There were of course many grievances and perhaps it could be debated, but certainly some aggrieved people felt listened to.  

F.W. de Klerk could have kept the apartheid course but somehow came to realize that it was not in the long term best interest of South Africa, or maybe he just realized the system was unjust.  Willing to give up power to make the necessary changes he worked to make a smooth transition.  A lot of people resented his decisions and South Africa has its share of struggles.  Nelson Mandela picked up the torch and thought how to bring South Africa into the new world.     

Giving up power willingly happens rarely.  A recent  encouraging example was Joe Biden deciding not to run for president again.  Part of him wanted to run, to get more things done, to prove he wasn't as useless as some implied.  It is also likely that some of those close to him tried to persuade him to step down and maybe threatened to publicize their efforts.  Still he had the right to run.   He is an intelligent man and had to acknowledge that it would be better for the country he loved to step aside and let someone with a better chance to carry on his fight. 

Arabs and Jews hate and fear each other.  I don't believe Russians hate Ukrainians, but one man's ego is forcing a war.  The United States still suffers from racial discrimination and some are using that to gain power.  There are good people who want changes for universal benefit, but they don't seem to have enough power.  

What can be done?  To be honest, not much.  My message will not reach much of an audience.  My hope is that at least some of you will as much as possible cut support for those with evil intentions.  Act kindly towards strangers and stop the spread of hate.  Hate spreads faster than love, but does not have a monopoly on how we communicate to and about other people.  If you have read this far, I already feel better.  Thank you for letting me vent.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Chances Are, You and I, a gem from the Philippines

 "Chances Are, You and I" (2024) has a lot of familiar sub plots, perhaps with a few twists.  Two young adults, Gabi and Sol meet, each with a brain tumor that threatens death.  One accepts the risks of surgery, while the other doesn't.  They each have a past that troubles them.  There is a need for ice breaking.  It will remind you of "The Fault Lies in Our Stars" (2014), but there are distinct differences.

One twist is that the male lead is fatalistic (not totally unique) and makes a practice of tossing dice for almost all decisions including some big ones.  Another  twist might be that they both have some sort of connection to Korea.   Of course there is romance and some difficult reconciliations.  What makes this worth while (assuming you like romance) is the writing (a little philosophy), the acting, music and the overall production.  There's more, but you deserve a few surprises.

For me this is an unusual  post.  I have no links for any of the cast or crew that made this memorable, but want to credit them with the expectation that I will meet up with them again.

Cathy Camarillo was director and executive producer.  She has 9 credits as director, 3 as writer and 20 credits as Assistant Director.  

Ellis Catrina, the daughter of Cathy Camarillo wrote the script and is the creative producer.  She has 2 credits for writing and producing.  

Aldrin B. Sereno wrote the background music.  He has 2 credits for composing.

Arvon Viola was the cinematographer.  He has 24 credits as cinematography and 7 for the camera and electrical department.

Ramil Pasbe was the editor.  He has 2 credits for editor and 1 visual effects.

Part of the filming was done in Korea where they were joined by 7 Koreans including Park Jansik who had done some production managing for "The Bourne Legacy" (2012)

Kira Balinger played the (mostly) optimistic Gabi.  She has 14 acting credits.

Kelvin Miranda played the (mostly) depressing Sol.  He is also known as a singer.  Kelvin has 40 acting credits.

JinHo Bae plays Sol's best friend who supports Gabi as well.  He is Korean and has lived in Philippines for about 15 years.  He has a degree in psychology and is also a popular singer.  JinHo has 4 acting credits.

 Tart Carlos played nurse Bell who worked with both leads.  She has 53 acting credits.

Al Tantay played the head doctor and a substitute grandfather for Gabi.  Also known as a comedian Al has 132 acting credits, 15 as director and 8 as a writer.. 

 It may not be a film for everyone, but if you like romances and overcoming family conflicts you would find much to like.  It is one of my favorites for 2024.  Available with subtitles on Netflix.

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Choice

 A very momentous decision is about to be made.  The "Free world" could be led by an egotistical maniac with dictatorial tendencies.  Or the choice could involve someone who has a record of actually improving lives and thinks much deeper.  Or some might vote for a third party, but with the U.S. electoral system the way it is that would be counter productive.

An important element of the decision is that many people have a very distorted view.  

Going back a few years the Democrat, Barrack Obama took over a mess left by the Republican George Bush.  Almost right away he stopped the downward spiral and gradually turned the economy around and after eight years he handed over a growing economy to Donald Trump.  One of Trump's first priorities was to reduce taxes, particularly for the wealthy.  This helped pump a lot of money into the economy, but it also increased the deficit that Republicans declared would be covered by the improved economy (not so).  Another feature was that it increased inequality.  To better understand Republican priorities check

Things seemed to be okay while a few economic factors declined, but were easily overlooked.  When the Covid Pandemic started the Americans were unprepared (some Republican budget cuts didn't help).  Trump took over the government publicity.  He mocked a well respected expert, Dr. Fauci.  At one point it became a conservative thinking to resist the need for masking and vaccinations.  His actions likely caused a huge number of deaths and made the economy worse.

Beyond Trump's mishandling, the pandemic affected the entire world, rich and poor.  At one point it was necessary for governments to spend large amounts of money.  People were not spending money as jobs were scarce and supplies were difficult to find as many scooped up and hoarded what they could find.   Businesses were adjusting to new conditions and supply lines shriveled.  While Trump was still president inflation went down to less than 2% (because people were not buying), but quickly changed when large amounts of money was put into the economy.

When Biden took over more money was spent and a lot of energy applied to attracting jobs.  Consumers were ecstatic and started buying again.  Supply lines were still in recovery.  Another factor was climate change that affected food supplies (fires, floods or droughts) meaning some products were scarce.  Inflation was a result of money pumped in and supply chains being diminished.  People seemed to think Biden was the cause of the misery of high inflation.  Granted prices are difficult compared to five years ago, but the question should be, who is to blame?  Who offers the better solution?

They seem to think Trump's economy was better, but was it?  Biden's economy has outperformed all other wealthy nations that had undergone the same  pandemic.  But Americans have a tendency to think only of themselves.

Trump didn't just damage the economy, some of his other moves also had long term consequences.

The International Climate Agreement was abandoned.  The Republican conservatives (note those with vested interest) mocked climate change.  It is hard to understand how urgent, but the evidence is mounting and still there is resistance.  The United States is the natural leader, but those in control are protecting their selfish interests.  What are the consequences of not effectively dealing with climate change?

The Iran Agreement had been negotiated by Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia.  Basically it was to force Iran from advancing to a nuclear weapon.  At the time Iran had maintained all its requirements.  It seems likely first that Trump was pressured by conservatives who detested Iran, but also by  Israel who wanted it broken.  Another perspective on Iran:

Was an opportunity to steer Iran in our direction missed?  The consequences have been disastrous.  Iran has gravitated to the orbit of Russia and stirring up trouble in the Mid-East.

The Israel connection was strengthened.  Trump's first foreign visit was to Saudi Arabia, but partly the aim was to get a business deal for Israel.  They moved their embassy to Jerusalem.  These moves were without consulting Palestine.  There was already a lot of resentment.  Did Trump's decisions increase or decrease that resentment?  Netanyahu seems to feel if Trump wins in November he can continue his war against Hamas.  Trump has some strong hints he supports Netanyahu.  Check

Immigration is a concern.   Ironically America NEEDS immigrants, both to do the grubby work, care for an aging population, but also to innovate for the future.  Educated Europeans are not as anxious as they once were.  They already have less inequality.  A bi-partisan solution favored by border guards was blocked by Trump who felt he wanted the issue to campaign on.  Does racism play a role in anti immigration rhetoric?  Businesses love cheap labor.   

Trump admires Putin, or maybe he has personal reasons for supporting his interests.  He claims he could end the conflict very quickly.  It is speculated that he would make land adjustments based on military positions.  We can't be sure what he would really do, but we do know he has been behind Congressional delays in funding Ukraine's battle against an imperialist enemy. 

Any one is entitled to make a mistake, but perhaps some voters have been mesmerized by style.  Exaggeration, blaming, mocking non supporters are not the marks of  a leader.  Lying should be unacceptable.  Inciting an insurrection is grounds for prison.

That is all on the one hand.

Joe Biden may have appeared under the weather in a critical debate and long term his age is a legitimate concern.  But he made good choices, perhaps with the help of well chosen staff.  Not sure of his motivations under pressure, but he made a choice for the betterment of America.

Kamala Harris has a sterling record of getting results that improved lives of people.  I suspect her plans are more progressive than conservatives would like, but the U.S. has a long way to catch up to what needs to be done. The Republicans in general are still resistant, even mocking efforts to fighting climate change.  See 

 The choice seems a no brainer.   But maybe we will come to better appreciate their educational system.

 In June 2016 I suggested the election was an IQ test;

Friday, September 20, 2024

Questioning, a much under used tool

Leaders are supposed to have the answers.  Some feel admitting they don't have all the answers is a sign of weakness.  "Leading with Questions" is aimed at business situations, but contains much advice that would benefit personal relations. 

We all asked a lot of questions as children.  Something happened to many of us as we grew up.  Authority figures such as parents, teachers, bosses mostly told us what to do and we went along.   

Stephen Covey in his famous book made his fifth habit of Highly Effective People: "Seek first to understand and then to be understood". Questioning is a tool to help understand situations and people.

Questioning needs to induce co-operation.  When a problem is encountered it is important to understand first, before jumping to conclusions or blaming anyone.  Make it a conversation not an interrogation.

Trust and openness are required.  Questions can be one way of building trust.  Employees have become used to doing what they are told unquestionably, but would sometimes like to be asked their opinion.

Timing can be critical.  A good ice breaking question might be "Is this a good time to talk?"  Avoid busy or stressful times.  Some people might feel uncomfortable answering questions with other people present.

"Yes or no questions are sometimes necessary, but open ended questions allow a wider range of possibilities.  Every great invention started from a question.

 From Peter Drucker we learn it is important "to hear what isn't being said" and "the most common mistake in solving problems was the emphasis leaders put on finding the right answer rather than the right question".

 While you are trying to understand others you should also question yourself.  Are you sure?

One last quote, this one from Nguib Mahfouz, a Nobel Prize winning author: "You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.  However you can tell whether a man is wise by his questions".

 There are other good books on questioning.  This one has good advice on how to make more effective questions in a wide variety of circumstances and examples of questions, some of which might help you to open a few doors.

For the "to be understood" part check this out

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"Hotline" a Canada Reads Nomination

 Canada Reads is an enjoyable CBC program that once a year draws attention to some of the best Canadian books.  In 2023 I already posted about the winner, but more recently checked out another of the nominations and was pleasantly surprised.

There often is curiosity about where and how an author gets inspired to write a novel.  Dimitri Nasrallah had already written a few books and received some literary awards.  An idea he had considered for years was about his mother.  She had come to Montreal as an immigrant who overcame common obstacles for newcomers.

At the same time Dimitri was part of that experience, but admits he didn't really appreciate his mother's perspective.  The actual details can only be guessed, but Dimitri often found himself alone while his mother tried to deal with many difficulties.  Getting inside her head was a challenge and a reader can't be certain how close he came, but  it is believable.  There is a lot of psychology as his mother ended up being a sales consultant dealing with a lot of unhappy people.

A key part of any immigrant story is where they came from.  Muna Hedad came from Lebanon during a civil war during which her son Omar was born.  In the book she is widowed, although her husband's death (after a kidnapping) was not concluded.  She had been trained to be a French teacher and it was suggested her skills would fit well in Quebec.  As it turned out (in reality) they were not looking for foreigners to teach French in Quebec.  What to do?  As many newcomers learn their foreign credentials do not pay the bills so you need to find an alternative.

The alternative in her case was to become a sales consultant for a diet program.  The company did ads offering a solution to dietary problems with a hotline number.  At that point trained consultants would listen to the problems and steer the callers to a diet program.  Unhappy marriages or those unable to marry steered many to comfort food and then weight problems.  There was a high turnover of trainees, but Muna (who called herself Mona for a her sales persona) was very good at listening to sad stories that drove people to bad diet habits.  Most readers will soon see this as a scam, but many callers felt better understood and followed the program of buying packaged food and even lost weight.

Her relationship with her son is awkward.  She is very concerned about him and early on was worried that he didn't fit in.  Some of her efforts resulted in Omar befriending another newcomer, a Chinese boy named Chang.  One thing leads to another and Chang's mother, another overqualified immigrant has problems learning French and convinces Muna to give French lessons to a group of Chinese immigrants which turns out not only a significant source of money but also a boost to her sense of purpose.

She is offered a promotion with the company and is able to move into a new better apartment and spend more time with her son.  The process is not unusual, but is painfully gradual.

The book was published in English, but we are to assume that most of the actual dialogue was in French.   There are a few Arabic words.  One that got my attention was "habibi".  At one time trying to sell ads I encountered an Arabic speaking fast food owner who wanted to change the name of his business to "Habibi" because he said it meant "Sweetheart", but in this story it was used as a frequent endearment for Munu's son.  

Dimitri gifted this book to his mother who apparently commented that it was easier to read than his previous books which seemed to have been written by an "angry young man".  In an earlier book that he won an award for he delved into the background of power brokers in the Middle East. 

Quebec is a unique part of Canada.  There are many who feel their French culture is under assault.  At the same time immigrants are arriving and trying to fit in.  This book reflects some of the tension, but as an outsider it seems the situation is progressing.  When I say it is unique I mean it in a positive sense, one of my favorite places to visit.

My wife had persuaded me to attend a Toronto Blue Jays game so we could get a giveaway.  From previous experiences the process can be tiring and boring.  Read a book was suggested and I thought "Hotline" might fit the bill.  It eased the two plus hours of agony, mostly standing up.  Hopefully you will get a chance to read it in a more relaxed circumstances.  

You can read about the actual winner of the 2023 Canada Reads contest:

Monday, September 9, 2024

2024 Paralympics

What is the appeal of the Paralympics?  It certainly captures attention every two years (counting the winter Paralympics).  All sports is entertainment.  We admire skills and  love the drama of competition.  The Paralympics offers that and more.  Glad to see some realize it is well worth promoting.

The athletes are inspiring not only for those with similar afflictions, but also for the rest of us to appreciate our own good fortune.  One simple example was explained in a running race where the contestants had one arm that had been amputated or otherwise defective.  They all had balancing and co-ordinating problems, something most of us don't think of. 

Fans could get very excited when their team won.  The French had the hometown advantage.  

Classification is detailed to ensure fair competition.  To ensure fair competition some sports have set up weight divisions as it is no fun to watch a 250 pound man beat a 110 pounder.  A few years I watched a game in a new professional basketball league that required a team to maintain an average height.  And of course we have separated the sexes.  Competition is most enjoyable when opposing sides are fair.

My 1st acquaintance with Paralympics was back in 1976 when Etobicoke hosted the Paralympics as Montreal had hosted the Olympics, but didn't want to bothered with another lesser event.  I was able to get a press pass and watch some of the events.  Not nearly as grandiose as the 2024 version, but  I will never forget watching Arnie Boldt set a record for an amputee high jump.  I was actually there to watch  wheelchair basketball.  At that time Israel was a dominant team for two reasons:  wars had created a lot of amputees and secondly the government wanted to support these casualties and wheelchair basketball was seen as a useful tool. 

China once claimed they had no defective people and declined to participate.  However in their desire to host the Olympics they got tied into the Paralympics.  Since hosting their own Paralympics they have come to dominate.  

Some things I found fascinating for the 2024 Paralympics.

 Runners with guides.  The guide has to be at least as fast as the contestant, but has to restrain from dragging or diverting the runner.  Trust (and practice)is essential.

Some team sports allowing greater participation that were fun to watch included sitting volleyball (never saw the 8'2" Iranian), blind football (soccer) and wheelchair basketball . 

Sheetal Devi, an armless archer from India demonstrated using her feet she could hit a bullseye.  Another armless woman, Sumeyye Boyaci, a swimmer from Turkey showed she could win against lesser handicapped women. 

Nicholas Bennett provided a highlight.  When he turned for the last 50 meters of the 100 breaststroke he was third and I thought he might accept that, but he didn't.  He dug down and and won.  A good choice for flag bearer

Political interests did play a role.   A Palestinian commentator pointed out when he was younger there were not a lot of handicapped people in his area, but with Gaza having erupted there will be many more.  There were athletes congregated representing refugees and they won some medals.  Another group represented athletes from countries barred, but if agreed to no presence in the marching parades, no national anthems they could participate.  This last group was not as noticeable in other Olympics and Paralympics, but did win a few medals.  Another group did receive extra attention was Ukrainian who got loud chairs as they marched in during the Opening Ceremony.

Paris has always been touted for romance and artistic pursuits and they lived up to their reputation.  They had a lot of historical buildings, but also some impressive modern structures. 

Both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies put on a mesmerizing show.  Choreography may have seem to be restricted, but actually a clever use of canes and wheelchair added excitement.  An old voice got my attention as favorite Charles Aznavour was heard on tape.  Live was Lucky Love who is a popular singer who has only part of one arm.  I loved the background of piano and cello music.

In a previous blog "Chandu Champion" I avoided the movie ending to encourage people to watch it.  The truth revealed in the movie is the medal that was hidden was for the 1972 Paralympics.  Furthermore during the credits the real Murlikant Petkar is shown and more of a description. of winning a gold medal at the Paralympics.  See

One does not wish more handicaps on humanity, but one positive thing is recognition that everyone has abilities and is entitled to enjoy life as much as possible. 

Read about the 2024 Olympics

REad about the 2022 Winter Paralympics and Putin's timing for invading Ukraine

 Check the 2020 ParalympicsL

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Kamala Harris The Truths We Hold

 I read "The Truths We Hold" over the time of Kamala Harris' first official interview as the Democratic presidential candidate.  After the interview one of the criticisms concerned that she "kept" her same values implying that she has flip flopped and can't  be trusted.  In reality she is a politician who has realized although still striving for ideals has to get power in order to make progress.  Her ideals are well worth supporting.    

This book was published prior to her taking part in the Democratic primary for the 2020 election.  A lot of interesting things have happened since, but the reader will appreciate how she has fitted in.

She feels that solving problems requires getting to the roots.  Learning that 80% of California prisoners failed to complete high school she delved further realized that most had truancy habits in the elementary grades.  Up until about grade 3 the focus was to learn to read and then to read to learn.  Truancy had many causes, but bottom line poverty was a major factor.  The solutions revolve around improving child support in their formative years.  

 I have been a big fan of hers for over four years, but have been mostly mispronouncing her name.  Easy to remember "comma la".

I admired her for some spoken words of hers that seemed more to the point than others.  Reading this book helps to understand what she has been through and what she is striving towards.  She tackled a wide range of problems with tenacity.

Sex crimes were an early responsibility as Attorney General.  She was concerned about abused wives, women forced into prostitution as well as rape.  She was criticized for putting so many young black men in jail.  This helped draw attention to bail laws which make it difficult for poor people to get out of jail to defend themselves and take care of family obligations.  More criticism resulted.

She worked with Beau Biden on major assault of banking mortgage abuses.   She was able to stand up to wealthy bankers who had been taking advantages of consumers, especially poorer ones.  The positive relation with Beau Biden was noted by his father Joe Biden.

She also dealt justice to fraudsters (like Mr. Trump).  Always on the alert to protect consumers that were too often seen as prey by some wealthy people. 

California as a border state was a major target for drug traffickers.  She developed contacts in Mexico  and found ways to curb the traffic.

Same sex marriage  was legalized in California, but then revoked and then renewed.  Kamala fought for the legality.  She performed a ceremony in 2013.

Doug Emhoff entered Kamala's life though a friend who encouraged a blind date.   He had two children and an ex wife and Kamala was more than accepted by all.  She noted discreetly that a single woman in politics had to be careful as critics were on the prowl.  She married Doug and he has proved to be a very supportive partner. 

Kamala noted that Russia finds racism together with LGBTQ and immigration issues are American weaknesses that they are able to exploit.  Divisive politics are hurtful for all Americans.

The upcoming debate between Trump and Harris will show how she deals with unreasonable criticism which so far has been very good. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack

"IC 814:  The Kandahar Hijack" (2024) is a film series depicting a real hijack in 1999 just over the Christmas week.  The film makers did their best to maintain historical accuracy.  Several components took part, the hijackers, the airplane staff and passengers, military personnel, politicians and journalism.  The story starts in Nepal and travels to India, Pakistan, Dubai and Afghanistan.  Negotiations are very difficult, partly because they had no real experience and little leverage.

 There are threats and violence.  The pilot and his assistants are confronted with guns and the threat of a bomb.  The captain is only able to convince them they do not have enough fuel to get to Kandahar and directs to refueling efforts.  Indian authorities plan a counter attack, but the timing is messed up.  

Intelligence is first blamed for not picking up some obvious information.  Before too long the politicians at various levels are discussing and trying to minimize blame.  There is no easy solution.   The ordeal stretches over 7 days.  The passengers are constantly stressed.  The toilet cannot handle the increased load which might seem trivial, but the passengers didn't think so.

There is no secret.  In the end three terrorists were released and went on to enact other acts of violence.  The Taliban consolidated their power.  A change in government.  Security arrangements have been enacted that affect millions of airline passengers every day.  Understanding what happened

The impact of this film comes from the cast and crew.

Anubhav Sinha created the idea, directed, wrote most of the script and was a co-producer.  He has 15 credits for directing, 13 for writing and 12 for producing including "Tum Bin...Love will Find  Way" (2001), "Article 15" (2019), "Thappad" (2020) and  "Anek" (2022).  See

Richard Harvey wrote much of the music.  In 1972, when only 18 graduated from the Royal College of Music.  He is noted for the wide range of musical instruments he can perform on, well over 600.   He has 93 credits for composing, 53 for the music department and 47 for sound track including "The Lion King" (1994), "The Da Vinci Code" (2006), "Interstellar" (2014) and "Little Prince" (2015).

Ewan Mulligan was one of two cinematographers.  He has 49 credits for cinematography and 14 for camera and electrical department including  "Article 15" (2019), "Anek" (2022) and "Kaali Paani" (2023).  See  

Mukesh Chhabra was in charge of casting.  This film required cast to include many non speaking roles such as terrified passengers, airplane staff and crowds trying to impact politicians.  After studying acting he spent over six years teaching and acting.  He is noted for bringing such faces as Rajkummar Rao, Sushant Singh Rajpt, Mrunal Thakur, Prateik Gandhi, Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh to the screen.  He has 227 credits for casting (+ 29 for the casting department and 29 for acting) including "Amal" (2007), "Kai Che Po" (20130, "Wrong Side Raju" (2016), "Mom" (2017), "Sacred Games" (2018-19), "Sanju" (2018), "Notebook" (2019), "The Family Man" (2019), "Dil Bechara" (2020), "Laal Singh Chaddha" (2022), "Jaane Jaan" (2023), "Dunki" (2023) and "Amar Singh Chamkila.  For a film where Mukesh had a lasting impression check

Naseeruddin Shah played a political role.  He has 257 acting credits and 6 for the music department including.  He once formed a traveling theatre group and has done a Hollywood movie.  His films include "Hey Ram" (2000), "Monsoon Wedding" (2001), "Maqbool" (2004), "Omkara" (2006),  "Amal" (2007) and "Gehraiyaan" (2022).

 Pankag Kupur  played another politician.  He has 74 acting credits and 3 for directing including "Gandhi" (1982), "Roja" (1992) and "Jersey" (2022).  In the English international version of "Gandhi" Pankag played Gandhi;s secretary, but inthe Hindi version he dubbed for Ben Kingsley.

Arvind Swamy played another politician (there was a lot of conflict and hesitation).  After an education in India he went to Wake Forest University in North Carolina for a Master degree in internatonal business which he was active in overlapping with his film career.   He had a serious injury and took years off from acting, coming back in 2013.  He has been a playback singer and a dubber (in Tamil).   Arvind has 34 acting credits including "Roja" (1992), "Bombay" (1995) and "Kadal" (2013).  That last one has a song by A.R. Rahman that is number one in my collection.

Vijay Verma played the pilot.  He has 32 acting credits including "Gully Boy" (2019), "She" (2020) and "Jaane Jaan" (2023).  See

Dia Mirza played Shalini, an editor  in conflict with an ambitious journalist.  Her father was German and her mother Bangali.  A model and a beauty queen winner.  She has 60 film credits including "Parineeta" (2005), "Hum Tum aur Ghost" (2010), "Sanju" (2018), "Move to Heaven" (2019) and "Thappad" (2020).  See and

Anupam Tripathi played a RAW agent in Kathmandu.  Born in India and took part in some theatre plays, but then went to Korea to study acting.  In two years he became fluent in Korean.  He has 17 acting credits including "Squid Game" (2021) and "King the Land" (2023).  See

It will give you a feel for how hijackings work and the behind the scenes activities.  None are the same, but unless you have been involved directly we cannot really appreciate the dynamics.  Available on Netflix with subtitles. 

As usual I have bolded the first mention of films I have seen.  They are not necessarily a recommendation, but generally I found them worthy of my time.  If you follow the links you should be able to determine if a particular film is worth following up.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Tribute to James A, Michener


This is a tribute to another author who had a profound effect on me.  Admittedly his books were very distracting for me.  One of my favorite concepts is that "everything is connected".

As I plunge through his books one appreciates he has lived a full life and learned something everywhere he went.  One surprising detail is that although liberal in his thinking he often listened to right wing radio programs to sharpen his thinking. 

Reading his memoir it is interesting to learn of his many travels and experiences.  He spent a lot of years as a journalist  Once an established writer he became able to decide where he wanted to research.  His beginnings are a mystery.  His parents are unknown as he was dumped at the door of a woman known for taking in orphans.  He took his last name from her.  He grew up during the Depression when jobs were hard to find.   

After you read one of his long books you started hoping he will write another long book. You might find an announcement that he was moving to another country or state for research.  He has written introductory chapters over one hundred pages detailing the geology and evolution of animals and plants that he does relate to the story narrative.  He likes to depict diverse ethnic groups that were important to develop a nation or a city.

I discovered James A Michener after I saw the movie, "South Pacific" and then read "Hawaii," the first of a few dozen reads.  Michener played an uncredited missionary in the movie.  One of the themes of this writing is that everything is inter- connected.  Without exactly verbalizing the concept he demonstrated it.  The connections are what fascinated me.

 A highlight of my life was attending a book signing where he customized his autograph for buyers.  Don't remember much conversation as I was awe-struck and conscious of the long line behind me .

He is most known for long multi generational books. including many boring details, but interesting once you realize the connection.  Looking back I find much of his writing stiff and formal, but it must also be admitted I felt compelled to read his books even his long introductions.  Some of his books contain geology and the beginnings of life.  When we stop to ponder how we got to wherever we are these details are more important than we realize.

He feels deserving writers often struggle through poverty before achieving best sellers.  He has taken his royalties and bought painting donated to museums and has also supported writing schools.  During the Depression he got a teaching job traveling in Europe and later served in WWII.   Michener had been involved with NASA.

Some of his books I have enjoyed and learned from include Hawaii, The Source, Centennial,   Space, Chesapeake, Bridges of Toko-ri (for which he had participated in some of the raids),Texas, Poland, Alaska, Bridge at Andau, Return to Paradise and The Covenant. 

A recently read book, "The Novel" explores the relationship between a writer and publisher.editor, critic  and reader.  the odds of getting published are monumental and require a lot of hard work and certainly luck.  As in several books of his he comes across as a bit of a snob.  Lots of references to art and music. He is entitled as he has made an effort to learn and understand.  My conversion took place separately, but his love of opera was a positive background.

"Recessional" now that I am retired seems appropriate; somewhat like the Arthur Hailey books about airlines and hotels; this time about a retirement home getting into geriatric decisions including cancer and Alzheimer's.  I suspect he has many such conversation.   The residents represent many viewpoints--discussion re women in different religions, medical bureaucracy.  Other topics include death from a variety of angles, human genome project, eugenics; giving up driver license--living wills,and  euthanasia  As in most of his books he explores philosophical questions from different perspectives.  

 I miss his books.  They were very engaging.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Chandu Champion

Another sports epic about an athlete overcoming odds to be a champion.  "Chandu Champion" (2024) does have a surprise ending, that unless you are from India (and even for most Indians) you are unlikely to guess.  The word "chandu" stands for loser and is a slur the  protagonist is desperate to avoid.

Near the beginning we see an old man badgering some government officials about a missing award.   It is a little confusing, but soon we are learning the background which starts with Murlikant Petkar as a young boy who takes it in his head that he wants to be an Olympic champion.

He is advised to take up wrestling and in fact makes a lot of progress until he offends his townspeople and flees.  Next he was advised to join the army where he was led to believe he would get serious wrestling training, but soon learns the military does not offer wrestling.  With his dream of an Olympic medal still driving him he takes up boxing with Tiger Ali who at first is very dismissive of him, but later becomes his strongest advocate.  The story takes quite a twist from this point.  The point of the interview at the beginning is that the story was buried in technological changes and bureaucratic ineptness.  The last part of the movie uncovers what happened.  In the end credits we see the real Murlikant Petkar who does deserve recognition. 

This movie is a big budget film with a lot of top notch cast and crew.  Here are some of them:

Kabir Khan was director, writer and producer.  He got a break as a cinematographer for a documentary and quickly became a director and producer.  His films include  "New York" (2009),  "Ek Tha Tiger" (2012), "Bajrangi Bhaijaan" (2015) and "'83" (2021).

Sumit Arora was another writer.  He has 15 credits as a writer, 3 as a director and 2 for additional crew including "Stree" (2018), "The Family Man" (2019), "'83" (2021) and "Jawan" (2023).  See

Pritam Chakraborty composed much of the music.   He graduated from the Film and Television Institute of India with a degree in Sound Engineering.   He has played in a variety of bands.  Pritam has 153 composing credits, 20 for the music department and 1 for sound including "Jab We Met" (2007), "Life in a Metro" (2007), "Rajneeti" 210), "Yeh Jawaani Dewani" (2013), "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil" (2015), "Dangal" (2018) and "Chhichhore" (2019).  See 

Sudeep Chatterjee was responsble for cinematography.  He has 32 cinematography credits including "Iqbal" (2005), "Chak de India" (2007), "Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl" (2011), "Bajirao Mastani" (2015), "Kaabil" (2017), "Padmaavat" (2018) and "Gangubai Kathiawadi" (2022).

Nitin Baid was the editor.  He has 38 credits for editor and 11 for the editorial department including "Masaan" (2015), "Raazi" (2016) and "Gully Boy" (2019).  A quote:  "It is an editor's job to make poor acting look good on screen".

Kartik Aaryan played  Murlikant Petkar.  His parents, both doctors wanted him to become an engineer for which he finally completed the studies after an interruption following an early film. that he lied to his paents about.  He has 21 film credits including "Pyaar Ka Punchnama" (2011), "Pyaar Ka Punchanma 2" (2015), "Sonu Ki Tatu Ki Sweety" (2018). "Dhamaka" (2018) and "Freddy" (2022).  When he was filming "Shehzade" (2023) there was a serious financial crisis and he returned his pay and was credited as a producer.  Check:

Vijay Raaz plays Tiger Ali who is a boxing coach and later an advocate for Murlikant.  He has 142 acting credits including "Bhopal Express" (1999), "Monsoon Wedding" (2000), "Kya Dilli Kya Lahore" 2014), "Sanam Teri Kasam" (2016), "Made in Heaven" (2019-2023), "Gully Boy" (2019) and"Gangubai Kathiawadi" (2023).

Bhuvan Arora plays Karnail Singh, a close friend.  He has 21 credits including "Chaman Bahaar" (2020) and "Farzi" (2023).   See

Rajpal Naurang Yadav (previously Rajpal Yadav) plays Topaz. He has  198 acting credits including "Kal Ho Naa Ho" (2003), "Paheli" (2005), "Main, Meri Patni...Aur Woh" (2006), "Khatta Meetha" (2010) and  "Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2" (2022).

Shreyas Talpade plays Inspector Kamble who questons an older Marlikant which is how we learn the life story.  He has 84 acting credits including "Iqbal" (2003), ""Dor" (2006), "Om Shanti Om' (2007), "Bombay to Bangkok" (2008), "Aashayein" (2010) and "Prawaas" (2020).

Sonali Kulkarni plays a reporter.  She was involved in theatre, not only acting, but producing.  She has 97 acting credits.  including "Dil Chahta Hai" (2001), "Bride and Prejudice" (2005), "Mohandas" (2009) and "Gulabo Sitabo" (2020).

 Another sports epic film came out the same year, "Maidaan" (2024) which shares the general theme of overcoming obstacles, but is more nuanced.  Check it out:

"Chandu Champion" will appeal to those who love competitive sports and is available subtitled on Prime.

As usual I have bolded the first mention of films I have seen.  They are not necessarily a recommendation, but generally I found them worthy of my time.  If you follow the links you should be able to determine if a particular film is worth following up.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How basketball might save the world

 Basketball was the result of a request to find an activity for "incorrigible " men during the winter with limited space.  It wasn't thought it might solve all the world's problems, but the author David Hollander feels it sets a model the rest of us would profit to follow.  A mix of politics, psychology and sociology well reasoned that I cannot do justice to with this post.  I will cover a number of points raised and suggest it is worth reading even for non basketball fans.

Within a week of its invention women were invited to watch and shortly after Naismith himself encouraged them to take part.  Within a very few years through the YMCA network it spread to China, India, France, Australia, Brazil and all over North America.   In some quarters some men would not play the game as women also played it.  Times have changed  and some credit must be given to women themselves.

 A goal was to make the game affordable and accessible.  Naismith noted that many sports used small balls such as cricket, hockey lacrosse and tennis, but required another piece of equipment to maneuver that ball, so opted for a ball to be handled by hand.  The sport could be played in a gym with a basket nailed at each end.  Apparently he was aware of a Mayan game using a hoop turned on its side.

The ease of accessibility allowed many to play basketball who had felt excluded from other sports.  Jews, Catholics and a wide variety of immigrants flocked to the game.  Naismith is credited with mentoring two successful basketball coaches, Phog Allen and a black man John McLendon.  In the U.S. many blacks found basketball as an outlet.  

Balance of individual  and collective with each player having the same opportunities and responsibilities.

Play has been discarded by many, but is essential for human happiness and even productivity.  Johan Huizinga is referred to.  Basketball being accessible and affordable is one significant source.

Wynton Marsalis when asked to explain affinity between basketball and jazz (two activities associated with African Americans); "<when> improvisation meets form in the context between a groove and rhythm ... done well all players in the ensemble transmute, creating something and being something none could be without the others".

PeacePlayers International  was formed after Stanley Tuohey went to Belfast, Northern Ireland to play professional basketball and run clinics for Protestants and Catholics.  A local policeman was so impressed with how the two factions played together and suggested this might work in South Africa.  Together with his brother they formed PeacePlayers International in 2001 and went to South Africa where they found similar results.  They have also set up clinics in Cyprus, Israel/West Bank and the United States with over 70,000 participants.  They have learned that diverse groups can learn to get along and respect each other with basketball as an important tool. 

 Giannis Antetokounmpo personifies an interesting phenomena.  His parents left Nigeria for Greece and were in reality non documented.  Giannis was limited in his freedom but found solace in basketball.  He proved to be of great talent sought by the N.B.A.  To facilitate his family were declared Greek citizens.  Recently he played for the Greek national team at the recent Olympics.  

During the COVID pandemic the 2020 election appeared to be very difficult to manage.  Mail in voting was perfectly legal, but Trump had commanded the postmaster general to remove postal boxes and declared mail voter fraud to be guarded against.  LeBron James launched a non profit organization, "More than a Vote" to find ways to make it more comfortable to vote.  He helped set up arenas and stadiums as safe places to vote.  He also signed up over 10,000 volunteer poll workers.

Somalia has a scary reputation with violent gangs who do not believe in the rights of women.  Sports in general and basketball in particular were regarded as illegal and sacrilegious.  Some women defy death threats to play basketball.  Ilwad Ellman, daughter of peace activist Ellman Ali, has formed the Ellman Peace Centre that concentrates on helping women who had suffered from gender abuse.  Basketball plays a significant role.  A clinic attended by 500 females was partnered by Giants of Africa, a group formed by Masai Ujiri,, president of the Toronto Raptors.  His support for the Nigerian women's basketball team that surprised their opponents at the recent Olympics.  Basketball is having a rippling effect in Africa.  

Mao Zedong- when in power in 1949 expelled everything western except basketball.  Basketball was a key component in the Chinese military.  NBA programs are shared by about 640 million Chinese, more than the entire American population.  In 2019 Daryl Morey offended the Chinese government by supporting the Hong Kong protesters a major dispute resulted.   A lot of heads rolled, but the author thought an opportunity was lost.  The game was in the middle of struggles regarding freedom, but was loved by all parties.

Larry Bird and Magic Johnson were one of the NBA's rivalries that spurred tv. ratings.  Larry Bird was white and raised in a poor rural area.  Magic Johnson was from a poor urban background.  As rivals they avoided knowing each other.  A tv. project brought them together and encouraged them to see each other  and even become friends.  Of course what they had in common was a great love of basketball and talent that let them rise to the top.  It is easy to understand poor blacks would pursue something as accessible as basketball, but poor whites had similar ambitions.

Jonestown is remembered as the site where religious fanaticism resulted in mass suicidal death.  However a few escaped drinking the Kool-Aid in Guyana.  One group formed a basketball pickup game to escape the insanity.  Traveling for a game, they refused to return and tried to persuade others not to participate.

The author ends with this; "Yes we know gravity is part of our earthly condition.  Yes we must jump in order to fly.  It is high time for us to jump".

One example of adaptability not mentioned was to allow a wide variety of handicapped players a classified system developed to maintain competitive balance.  If a player or players were substituted it was necessary to replace with a player or players with the same classification or lower.  A professional league tried to use a total team height restriction so that tall players could be balanced with shorter players. 

Yes I am very biased and I do believe basketball is an activity to encourage, but a few other things will have to be done to fix the mess we are in.   David Hollander is a very intelligent man who has gathered a lot of politics, psychology and sociology and tied to basketball.that is very interesting