My life has been like others--a search to find the right path to success, happiness and a sense of purpose. It has been a struggle, but there has been lots of advice requiring some discipline and overcoming temptations. Many books have influenced me, even causing me to modify my behavior, but so have many other books and experiences.
The 10 Commandments were given at a young age. No particular complaint, but they seemed a series of things not to do.

I didn't want to take the course, even having read the books lying around my home. My father would refer to it in positive tones. I felt that my father was a poor example of what the course could do, but I came to appreciate a new concept. It is not how good you are at the end, but how much better you became. My father was aware of his shortcomings. Read about my father and the course:
Ben Franklin was brought to my attention through different means, but I think Dale Carnegie might have been the first. It was very simple. When confronted with a difficult decision one should write down a list of the reasons for and the reasons against and weigh them, not just with quantity, but also with quality. Many years later I read another book that didn't dismiss the notion, but suggested it was inadequate. http://www.therealjohndavidson.com/2016/08/decisions-are-path-to-success.html.---counter argument-

A few years later my daughter Heather's gifted me "The Time Paradox." that had a different perspective. Most time management books focus on setting goals and planning the future. The suggestion of this book was that you should not focus on your failures, but on your successes--the ones that build your confidence and remind you how to overcome difficulties.
Time management became an obsession of mine, particularly as I had chosen a series of sales positions, although only moderately successful. I learned from many many mistakes and failings, but also did have successes and worked to multiply them. http://www.therealjohndavidson.com/2011/05/time-management-for-sales-other-people.html

Stephen R. Covey did impact me. I read the book, multi times and listened to his tapes for literally hundreds of hours (my daughter memorized much of it as I drove her to swim practice). I actually set up goals and plans as best I could handle his ideas. They were all good. My favorite was you must seek first to understand before seeking to be understood.

With "Twelve Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos" Jordan Peterson views life as chaos overcome by order. Oversimplified as he sees some merit in chaos. There is a lot of suffering in life no matter our circumstances. We can be happy and successful, but it works best if we pay heed to his 12 rules.
Remembered Jordan Peterson as a guest with Steve Paikin offering a psychological perspective and always seemed to make sense. Jordan is a psycho analyst who recounts some of his experiences with patients in a non invasive manner while giving some perspectives on psychoanalysis.

Some of his rules are humorously expressed, but supported by both psychological and philosophical ideas are familiar. There are differences and he gives a few different perspectives.
To get an accurate feeling for his rules you need to read the whole book. Here I am interested to glean something interesting and maybe useful. His rules are backed up by well presented arguments.
One rule (#5) is "Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them." He believes that if a child is not taught to behave properly before age 4 they are doomed to have difficulties to make friends. At that age socialization is mainly through peers. You need rules for your children, but 1) they should be limited; 2) the least force necessary to enforce should be used and 3). parents should come in pairs.
Rule #7 reads "Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient). Control your impulses. Peterson believes success comes from delayed gratification.
Rule #9 reads "Assume the Person you are listening to might know something you don't." Listening is how you learn things. Peterson suggests you summarize what was said before you make your point.
Rule #10 reads "Be precise in your speech." As he says "it is very difficult to make sense of the inter-connected chaos of reality just by looking at it. We see enough to function.
In his justification for some of the rules he reminds me of the concerns about evolution I read in "Super Cooperators" which gives many practical examples of how humans evolved to cooperate and organize out of chaos. https://bit.ly/2Ku85Lj
He has some leftist sympathies, but seems basically conservative which fits in with his idea that the world we encounter is chaotic and we have evolved into a pragmatic organization in which inequality is inevitable if often unfair. It is true that aggression is learned, but much of it is natural and the result of evolution and has served a purpose.
Do we really need rules? I would say yes. Do we need to think about them? Habits can be good, but also bad, so we need to examine what we really want and how best to achieve our aims. Many new titles are useful as much for reminders, but also bearing in mind there are often different ways to accomplish tasks and that a different perspective might hit us more effectively. I prefer "guidelines"--other people have given great thought to their rules, but I have the option to choose, partly for comfort and partly for what is most appropriate for my talents and disposition. I am grateful to all those covered in this post.
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